Many of you have heard the expression, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." If this is, in fact true, what is this vessel that allows us spiritual beings to have this human experience? It is none other than our own very human body. Many of us tend to forget about or ignore our … [Read more...]
Remembering to Say Thank You
The words "thank you" are powerful words, when they are said from the heart. They can convey to another person your love, your respect, and your gratitude. They say, in effect, "I see you, I see what you did, and I appreciate you." We all crave to be seen and appreciated. And it feels very, very … [Read more...]
Peace of Mind on a Daily Basis
A few weeks ago I stopped into one of my favorite small book stores. I'd been feeling quite lost lately and I was looking for something to read that might inspire me, might speak to me, might help me move through this place, or at least understand it better. Nancy, the owner of the store, scanned … [Read more...]
Blessings and Miracles in Our Lives
Every day I get a handful of emails from my friends and family, of jokes, short little touching stories, and requests to sign on for various causes. Occasionally it is annoying, (like when someone sends me 12 at a time!), but mostly I welcome them because the truth is, I can never get too many … [Read more...]