When Stacey talked with you about oblocks, she was talking about the fearful messages that stop you from getting what you want. Let’s look at what can happen to you when you listen to these messages. See if you recognize yourself in any of these responses.
1. Your body responds.
* You get tense.
* You “quit breathing.”
* You pull into yourself.
* You shut down.
* You sleep a lot.
* You get cranky and irritable.
2. Your emotions respond.
* You feel sad, defeated, sometimes hopeless.
* You feel angry and frustrated.
* You feel scared and insecure.
* You feel disappointed or depressed.
Pretty hard to get creative and be positive when all of these things are going on physically and emotionally inside of you!! What to do?
1. Fear contracts you. You need flowing energy to pursue and live out your dreams. So it’s very important that you open yourself back up again. One way to do this is by using your breath. When you breathe:
* You expand.
* You literally create more space in your body.
* You allow your energy to flow.
Take a few breaths right now and notice how that works. Feel how the breath expands and opens you. To be fully breathing and flowing, you need to be breathing into both your chest and your belly. If you’re not, a part of you is “frozen”. You have cut yourself off from either your heart or your gut. You’re not allowing those parts of you to participate in your life’s work and decisions. When you breathe fully, you open to your creativity and you flow.
2. Remember that fearful messages are simply that – messages that you learned, usually in your childhood, that you still believe. Pretty amazing when you stop and think about the power those old messages still hold over you! It’s time to choose your own course and beliefs about yourself rather than have it dictated to you from the past.
How can you change your limiting beliefs about yourself to beliefs that allow for lots of possibilities for you to succeed? What old, fearful messages do you want to leave behind? (Mine was, “Who am I to write a newsletter!!”) What new, empowering messages do you want to replace them with? (“I have a lot of wisdom to share.”) Notice
how the fearful messages contract you and how the empowering messages expand you. It’s from expansion that we can tap into our creativity and succeed.
3. Know that changing these old belief patterns takes time and a concerted effort on your part. It doesn’t happen overnight. But it does take perseverance on your part. Whatever new message you decide on, write it down, post it around your house or in private places that only you will see. Most importantly, say it to yourself several times daily. This will help you to believe it’s true! Stick with it. Eventually this new way of thinking about yourself will become more natural than the old fearful, limiting messages that stop you from living out your dreams. And your creativity will begin to flow.